uhhhh hi i'm ruti, my mikveh date is march 20, i like doing torah study and reading nonfiction about sociopolitical issues, judaism, asian-american studies, and queer studies. also i watch a lot of anime and do tabletop games. daf yomi 2027 or bust #introduction
@ruti welcome! happy to have you here and congrats on the work you've surely done and all you've accomplished on the path to the mikveh. i'm already excited for ya!
i know what daf yomi is (and also listen to a daf yomi podcast), but can you tell me what is daf yomi 2027 ?
@em iirc it's when the next cycle for daf yomi starts! if i started now it'd be in the middle, but it being two years out means i have time to read the entire tanakh first so i can understand what all the rabbis are talking about,
@ruti ah, interesting! I haven't ever listened or read trying to imagine what it'd be like if I weren't familiar with the tanakh, but I think a lot of the content is very vaguely related to the tanakh itself. I usually call it a philosophy/law podcast when I describe it to people without wanting to explain more deeply.
@ruti I jumped in mid cycle last year . thanks for the clarification
Welcome to Babka!!!
@ruti Welcome! one day I plan to study daf yomi too - it is such a big commitment, I’m afraid of starting!
Tipp. It's easier to start with a new tractate. But by now we are in the middke of tractate Sanhedrin. But I'm Not sure, whether just Weeks before Passover is a good time. My Jewish learning has a Daf yomi Newsletter and a weekly Daf yomi zoom group.
@ruti hiiiii welcome to Babka!
@ruti mazel tov on your upcoming mivkeh date!
@jmb thank you! i'm really excited and also disproportionately excited about the beit din. i worked hard on my judaism thesis and want to discuss it,