I love this part of Noshmim Mizrahit's broadcast.
On Friday, after 1PM or so Israel time, it starts transitioning to what can safely be called "Shabbat mode", where the music and banter takes on somewhat of a joyous religio-family tone, the kind you only find in Mizrahi circles, and people call in to wish each other and everyone Shabbat shalom and the like, along with sharing the names of people who need prayers/good vibes and such for people to remember at candle lighting. It's a nice distinction from the rest of the week.
@acarson I'm not Jewish, but that sounds like a great tradition. Where can ignorant rubes like me listen?
@sclower They're on Tunein, and they have their own app also I think. The broadcast is in Hebrew though so I don't know if that's a problem for you.
@acarson Ah, well, I don't speak it, but might tune in next time anyway.